About Us


The Logo of the Church of South India comprised the petals of Lotus and arms of the Cross beautifully intertwined together with the fiery tongues of the Holy Spirit, an authentic Indian expression of people’s communion with God. The Lotus and the Cross used in the Logo possess a rich cultural history and heritage and to the Indian Church, it stands to be interpreted as symbolizing the composition, nature and role of the members of the Church of South India in the bond of the union and in the context of being indigenous and also being dependent on the grace of God.

Our Motto “THAT THEY ALL MAY BE ONE” (That they all may be one; as thou, Father, art in me, and I in thee, that they also may be one in us… John 17:21) and the name of our church are embossed in a circle round the Lotus is an inclusive affirmation showing explicitly that Christ is the Head and the Church, His body. It also symbolizes the prayer of the Church that not only Churches need to be united but all people of this country which can be interpreted as a meaningful prayer for national integration.


cochin diocese

The Logo of the Diocese of Cochin of the Church of South India consist of the Cross with the Crown of Thorns in the middle surrounded by seashore, coconut trees, ships and Mitre on the top. The cross is the symbol of love, sacrifice, and victory. It is also a sign of the missionary work of the Diocese. The Cross reflects the breadth, length, height and depth of God’s love (Eph.3:18). The sea-shore and the coconut trees depict the state of Kerala. The coconut tree stands as a symbol of the commitment of the Diocese to the environmental concerns. The two ships indicating that the churches in the erstwhile Diocese of North Kerala is the result of the Union of two Churches founded by the labours of the two Missionary Societies in Europe and England – Basel Mission and CMS. The Crown of thorns in the middle is symbolic of the redemption through the sufferings and death of Christ which is the basis of the Union. The Mitre signifies that the CSI is an Episcopal Church. The divided top of the Mitre is symbolic of the holy spirit whose indwelling gives life and light to the Church. (Cloven Tongues)
